
Oct 3 2023

Creating a positive and effective therapy experience from a child’s point of view requires a thoughtful and child-centered approach. Here are some steps to help make therapy sessions more child-friendly: Choose a Child-Friendly Therapist: Look for a therapist who specialises in child therapy and has experience working with[…]

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Aug 15 2023

The transition to a new school can be an anxious and overwhelming experience for both students and their parents. Whether it’s moving from Infant to Junior School, Primary School to Secondary School, or even relocating to a  new town or country, change can be challenging. However, with careful[…]

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May 29 2023

The difference between being anxious and having an anxiety disorder can be confused in today’s world. The term ‘I’ve got anxiety’ may actually mean you are feeling an instance of being anxious – they are two similar things but not the same. The term should not be used loosely. It’s similar[…]

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