A Guide to Family Wellbeing During The Festive Period

The holiday season is a time of joy and togetherness, but it can also bring about stress and challenges for families. As a child and teen therapist at Child Therapy Telford I specialise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I’m here to share some practical tips and strategies to help your family cope and thrive during the festive period.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations: It’s easy to get caught up in the picture-perfect holiday ideal, but it’s crucial to set realistic expectations. Discuss as a family what traditions are most meaningful and achievable. Embrace the uniqueness of your own celebrations rather than comparing them to others.

    • What are the most important aspects of Christmas for each family member?

    • How can we make our holiday traditions more manageable and enjoyable?

  2. Effective Communication: Open and honest communication is the root of a healthy family dynamic Encourage family members to express their thoughts and feelings, and actively listen without judgment. Foster an environment where everyone feels heard and understood.

    • How can we create a safe space for open communication during the holiday season?

    • Are there any concerns or wishes that family members would like to express?

  3. Healthy family dynamic. Encourage family members to express their thoughts and feelings, and actively listen without judgment. Foster an environment where everyone feels heard and understood.

  4. Balance Quality Time and Personal Space: While spending quality time together is essential, it’s equally important to respect each other’s need for personal space. Strike a balance between festive family activities and allowing time for individual relaxation.

    • How can we ensure everyone gets the right balance of social and alone time?

    • Are there specific activities that family members would like to do together during the holidays?

  5. Create New Traditions: Embrace the opportunity to create new, meaningful traditions as a family. This can be particularly beneficial during challenging times or when facing changes in family dynamics.

    Family around a tree

Navigating the holiday season with a neurodiverse child requires an extra layer of understanding and support. Here are additional tips tailored to meet the unique needs of neurodiverse children:

  1. Create a Sensory-Friendly Environment: Recognise and accommodate sensory sensitivities. Provide a quiet space where your neurodiverse child can retreat if the holiday festivities become overwhelming. Offer sensory-friendly activities like textured objects or calming music.

    • What sensory elements should we consider when planning holiday activities?

    • How can we create a comfortable and calming space for our neurodiverse child?

  2. Use Visual Supports: Visual aids such as schedules, charts, or social stories can help neurodiverse children better understand the holiday plans and manage expectations. This can reduce anxiety and provide a sense of structure.

    • What visual supports would be most helpful for our child during the holiday season?

    • How can we effectively communicate changes in the holiday schedule?

  3. Establish Clear Routines: Maintaining a consistent routine can provide a sense of stability for neurodiverse children. While some flexibility is necessary, try to keep essential routines, like mealtimes or bedtime, as consistent as possible.

    • How can we incorporate our neurodiverse child’s routines into the holiday schedule?

    • Are there specific routines that are especially important for our child during the holidays?

  4. Prepare for Transitions: Recognise that transitions between activities or locations can be challenging for neurodiverse children. Offer warnings and prepare them for any upcoming changes to reduce anxiety associated with transitions.

    • How can we effectively communicate upcoming transitions to our neurodiverse child?

    • Are there specific strategies that have proven helpful in managing transitions in the past?

  5. Provide Choices and Autonomy: Offer your neurodiverse child choices within the holiday activities. This can empower them and provide a sense of control over their environment. Clear options can help reduce stress associated with decision-making.

    • In what ways can we incorporate choices into holiday activities for our neurodiverse child?

    • How can we balance providing choices while maintaining structure during the holidays?

  6. Educate Extended Family and Friends: Ensure that extended family and friends are aware of your child’s unique needs and preferences. If you feel necessary educate them about neurodiversity and provide guidance on how they can support and interact with your child during holiday gatherings.

    • How can we communicate our child’s needs to extended family and friends in a way that fosters understanding?

    • Are there specific strategies or information we can share to help others support our neurodiverse child?

By incorporating these additional tips, you can create a more inclusive and supportive holiday experience for your neurodiverse child. Remember that every child is unique, so adjusting these strategies based on your child’s specific needs and preferences will contribute to a more enjoyable and stress-free holiday season for the entire family.

I would like to wish everyone reading this article a very merry Christmas wherever you are in the world.

Louisa Gauld-Crichton
NLP4Kids Licensed Practitioner and NLP Practitioner

Child Therapy Telford – NLP4Kids

Telford, Shropshire, United Kingdom

Tel: 07966 819194

Email: Louisa@NLP4Kids.org

“It’s Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.”
— W. T. Ellis

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